Well its spring again people and we all know what that means beside miniskirt and sundress and tanktop season it means it is time for the RONDO AWARDS!. Yes my decrepit disciples the rondos that seasonal exercise in frustration that horror hosts love to induldge in. Dont get me wrong I love what the Rondo Hatton awards do every year to bring the horror and haunt industry to the public consciousness and to fans and monster kids everywhere! so lets get out there and vote

On to other business Faithful followers We want to take a moment to give a big shout out to all the independent horror film producers and creators who have been kind enough to allow The Angry Brothers to feature their films on our show. especially Cutting Board Films and the Kentucky Wildman himself Jerry Williams. With More companies Like Shout Factory trying to grab up every public domain film they can get their greasy little mitts on Indie Film producers may be the dying embers to save this genre and keep horror hosts coming to the masses another Gem of indie horror was done by a good friend of the show Gordy Price and his demon guitar opus Music Store Massacre A film that is Definately Angry Brothers Approved .
And Here is Saucer Sex Bomb From Jerry Williams ...enjoy...
Also Lets not forget our friends at Cutting Board Films
So there ya have it the rites of spring in the horror host world. Again these great films and the filmmakers who bring them to the horror host who bring them to you. Subscribe to these guys pages and Like thier films. Because I am getting fucking sick and tired of running The Bat over and over again. So Lets Keep America on Top Watch Horror Hosts Y'all.