Your Old Pal Brother Jack Angry here, The Summer Season is definitely upon us the days are hot n hazy and the nights are warm, the air is full of all kinds of insects and if your a hay fever sufferer like Brother Jack your sinuses are going apeshit! Another inevitability of summer in Omaha is Ocomiccon; this is the 3rd Ocomiccon convention hosted at the MAC Center in Council Bluffs Ia. Brother James and Myself went in Civvie Drag to this convention to take a look at what was going on and here,s our report. We arrived about 30 min before the doors opened at 12pm on Friday July 7, 2017 the crowd was well behaved we were able to engage in a little small talk with a kylo renn cos-player while waiting to get inside. After paying for our tickets 50.00 for 2 1 day tickets (cheaper than some of the larger cons but??) we headed for the convention floor and the vendors area, we were on a mission to get a Blue Ranger Pop signed by David Yost one of the celebrity guests of the con..(more on that in a bit) we figured there would be a bit of a wait so we check out the various vendors and we were not disappointed. The First vendor we visited was Tarafying Treasures run by Tara Hinson specializing in Perler, jewelry, art & more. You Can Visit her shop here .
Another fine vendor was Barry Dunne of Sneaky Ninja Customs specializing in leather goods and other hand made items you can find his shop by going to his facebook page here
We also had the treat to check out the booth of Spiel Bound the board game cafe located at 3229 Hearney st in Omaha. A board game themed cafe sounds interesting we will be checking them out in the meantime you can visit them here
Finally We stopped by the booth for House of Conundrum located at 2564 Leavenworth st here in Omaha, and spoke to the owner John Comstock this is a locally run business that specializes in the escape room craze that is sweeping the country featuring themed room such as a zombie apocalypse and a Batman theme escape room you can check out their website HERE .
Ok Now on to what most people want to see the cosplayers, the Angry Brothers have always supported cosplay here in Omaha in past editions of the blog so with out further delay here are some of the cosplay highlights from Ocomiccon
great looking Xena Warrior princess, the gal doing the owl costume is not bad either
The Stunning Brittany Rose Gohr
as Kittana From Mortal Kombat
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Brittany Rose Gohr |
Great Darth Maul Samuari done The Cosplayer won one of the best in show for this. Very Richly deserved well done.
A good friend of the show The Lovely '
Becki Bullets as the Classic Harley Quinn from the Batman Animated Series.
Xena Again
A kick ass Cylon Centurion Done By the Iron Brothers I beleive i could be wrong but it fuckin rocks!
In all honesty I did go to this convention with the intention of giving it a bad review because of who they chose to partner themselves with in the past. Thankfully that person was not there and observing the volunteers working with the celeb guest of the con and in general the several occasions i had to ask questions from a volunteer i received fast and friendly help. So i will give kudos to the organizers and volunteers of of Ocomiccon, In the past i was harsh about the con and had decided never to patronize it again but seeing what i did on Friday definitely changed my mind. I will direct this to the organizers of the con we covered your first one we would like to do so again in an official capacity, the ball is in your court. So before I go Always support your local cons and lets keep America on top watch horror hosts y'all.