This opening scene is a departure from the original, from that point on the movie unfolds introducing us to the character of dana (Jane Levy) the failed rehab goer giving it another try at being clean and sober. Her brother Daniel (Shilo Fernandez) and friends eric olivia and natalie ( I guess cubby, corky and annette were busy..LOL) finally rounding out our little group is grandpa the dog (Inca).
The Drama of Dana and her fall from rehab and the strains it places on her relationship with daniel and their unresolved issues with their mother who also died of a long terminal illness dominate the 1st third of of the film then they discover the root cellar and the Book of the dead. The Bookworm of the group Eric begins reading from the book (dumbass move yes but we wouldn't have much of a movie without it). This awakens the kandarian demon who begins to posses and destroy the group one by one. The Film continues thru some memorable amputations and envicerations and vomit scenes with members of the group falling one by one until it is eric, daniel and the dana. Daniel sacrifices himself batteling the possessed eric by firebombing the cabin so dana can make her escape, however she must face the demon before being truly free.

The plot and storyline of this remake flowed along very nicely and covered all the main points necessary to provide sufficeint comparison to the original. In closing I would highly recommend it to the uninitiated as well as hardcore rami fans and deadites everywhere.
Brother Jack Angry