Greetings Faithful Followers,
What can I say, there are times where brother jack can be knocked off his feet by something; it's rare but it can happen..SURPRISE!! this is just such an occasion.. I just reviewed Death-Scort Service 2 The Naked Dead by Gator Blade films, The Sleaze Box and Icon film Studios. This film produced by Chris Woods and Sean Donohue brings a gritty in your face take on the slasher/horror genre that you old pal Brother Jack was not expecting, Now don't get me wrong I knew this was going to be a gore fest going in but even I wasn't prepared for some of the things I saw, so with that in mind lets jump in feet first to all the sleaze and blood that this movie promises.
all images courtesy of gatorblade films |
The Movie opens with Michelle played by Krystal "pixie" Adams sitting in a bathtub talking on the phone to a woman referred to as the "madame" the conversation centers around the gruesome murders of several escorts the year before by a masked slasher. The Conversation ends Michelle is promptly chloroformed and awakes to find her self tied up spread eagle in a run down shed, there is very little interaction on the part of the killer before he gets down to his twisted bloody business. VAGINAL RAPE TO DEATH WITH A RECIPROCATING SAW!!! and then finger banging the corpse. Well I didnt see that one coming As ta La vista Michelle.
Katie Mckinley, Lady O & "sushi" xhyvette holder |
The next scene are a 3 protagonists Kate (sushi xhyvette holder) lady o, lace (Katie McKinley)
are discussing the death of Michelle and other working girls in the local area..then they decide to have a lesbian 3 way in the shower (makes sense right)? Then our 3 plucky heroines hit the streets to "make that money". We then cut away to a local adult bookstore run by frank the pimp (8 the chosen one..yes that is his name i cant make this stuff up ) a throw back to the 80s complete with nylon/rayon shirt and and ape drape mullet (insert scooby doo flashback sequence here) complaining about how he is not making any money off the girls..In walks Buddy brilliantly played by Bob Glaizer out on the prowl looking for "Easy Pussy" after negotiating with Frank for Peaches (Lucretia Lynn) it moves to the alley behind the store for the deed to be done..Buddy is castrated by peaches with a piece of glass then to add insult to injury peaches steals buddy's pants and runs off, while ransacking buddys trousers Peaches Gets and ice-pick thru the brain (very well done by the sfx dept and i really didn't have any sympathy for peaches anyway ..fuck you bitch!).
Katie Mckinley |
The Next part is back to lacy and lady o working a corner when a pair of priests in a stretch suv come driving up asking if they want to party with a pair of priests? I found this rather unusual because neither girl was dressed as an altar boy. Things progress as expected as both priests experience a "second coming" as it were then Lacy turns her lusty attentions on to Lady O in what is obviously the films best scene (well done Katie!) after that are a series of murders hooker shot in the head etc the 2 other notable deaths were the hooker who has a gaping hole burned in her by acid poured on her by the killer and the death of lady o by evisceration what made this particular death unique and disturbing is that lady o was pregnant and the killer proceeds to pull her fetus out along with her intestines very well done this one will stick with you for awhile.
Katie Mckinley and Lady O |
Im not going to reveal the ending of the film because we know that people who drop spoilers are assholes. I can assure you that is was very well done and you might not see it coming. All in all Death Scort Service 2 the naked dead lived up to its promises the cast was easy on the eyes and played their parts very well the star of this film was Katie McKinley aka Kinky Katie her scenes with kate and lady o really stood out I highly recommend her in all her upcoming projects. In my humble opinion this movie gets 2 thumbs waaaay waaay up.