Greetings Faithful Followers,
This is one of the hardest entries for the blog that I have ever had to write I found out on tuesday that Rhonda Baffes aka Mistress Rhonda owner and operator of the BizarreTV channel on roku had lost her battle with cancer and passed away on Friday the 12th. I am still reeling from the news, this is the first day that i can even attempt to do this blog post without breaking down. I have read so many wonderful tributes to Mistress Rhonda and as a horror host and a supporter of the channel from almost the outset I wanted the Angry Brothers voices to be among the praises and tributes to a true friend to horror hosts everywhere weather they knew it or not. So for a moment let me slip out of character and relate this as my alter ego Les Raub.
I concieved the Angry Brothers in Aug/Sept of 2011 experimenting with various concepts for the characters (sorcerers, serial killers, demon hunters etc) after spit-balling these with my co creator and partner and my twin brother Lane we arrived at the final incarnation of the Angry Brothers as 2 undead monks in a dilapidated monastery hidden in Omaha Nebraska. Our Debut on Nebraska public access tv was Oct 29, 2011 the episode starred myself and Ash (Samantha Gunia). The episode was received very well and we received a lot of positive response. Our decision to go to public access was as an homage to a local tv horror host and to combat the impersonator that we felt was doing a great disservice to the legacy and character, that is a story for another day.
Mistress Rhonda of BizarreTV |
Fast forward to the fall of 2014 I had purchased a roku streaming box as a way of fighting the high cost of cable tv and to provide entertainment choices for the family; I stumbled on a list of private channels for the roku including bizarretv after joining and watching some of the programming i reached out to mistress Rhonda about getting some of our full length episodes on the channel. It was a match made in heaven. Rhonda was always kind and accommodating with allowing me to send in hard copies of the episodes rather than dropboxing them because it never worked for me anyway.
Even tho Mistress Rhonda and myself did not have many voice conversations I always felt close to her from her FaceBook posts when she was having troubles either with her health or problems with the channel and would promote BTV whenever possible. I espcially loved the group movie showings on facebook when we did the group chats it was always fun to make a weird or off color comment to see if we fluster Mistress Rhonda (Right Chris M ??) .
R.I.P. Rhonda Baffes |
Rhonda was truly a kindred spirit to anyone who called themselves a horror host , she did so much to keep the genre relevant in much the same way count gore did for the internet . Providing myself, Uncle Edward, Oliver's twisted late nite bargain basement stoner friendly freak show, and many other hosts to be seen by a larger audience. I listened to Angels Asylum when they interviewed Rhonda and I was amazed about how soft spoken she was but also how passionate she was about horror hosting and helping hosts get their shows to a broader audience. I have helped many horror hosts get their shows going either thru promotion or providing technical advice on dealing with public access program directors I did that as a way of paying back rhonda for the help and support she gave me when i contacted her. Rhonda was the horror hosts slightly twisted guardian an ge,
Forward to today the news she has left this world even though I am 1000% sure she is in a far better place hanging out with Lon, Vincent, Bela and the other giants of horror hearing some kick ass stories and having the time of her afterlife, the rest of us will have to carry on and keep the faith even if BTV goes away as a tribute to our Mistress Rhonda.
It is getting very hard to type this because of the tears and i dont want do too many typos thank god for spell check let me leave my fellow horror hosts with this.. if you have the opportunity to help a fledgling horror host with support, advice, or any wisdom you can provide back them to the hilt do it as a tribute to the friend we just lost.
So Rhonda wherever you are rest easy we got your back!
Brother Jack Angry aka Les Raub